Aurelio Canonici

In Analogy Records since:
June 2015

In January 2016 Aurelio Canonici conducted Mozart’s Coronation Mass at the Vatican (Sala Nervi) receiving the compliments of the Holy Father Pope Francis. Over the last few Seasons he has conducted the following orchestras: Sofia Philharmonic, Budapest Concert Orchestra (MAV), Warsaw Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra, Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen (Germany), Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal (Germany), Capella Cracoviensis (Poland), Arpeggione Kammerorchester (Austria). He has recently had a successful debut in the Sala Sinfonica of the Auditorio National de Musica in Madrid.

In July 2016, Continuo Records released “Between Earth and Heaven”, a CD devoted entirely to the music of Aurelio Canonici performed by a cast of prestigious performers.
As of the 2008 Season, Aurelio Canonici has been nominated Artistic Director of the “Richard Wagner” Symphonic Section of the Ravello Festival. Here he has performed in many editions since 1994. In particular, in 2003 he had the honour of conducting the first Symphonic Dawn Concert, a concert which, due to its growing success, he was subsequently invited to repeat for 8 consecutive years: in 2004 and 2005 (with the Krakow Opera Orchestra), in 2006 (with the Verdi Philharmonic of Salerno), in 2007 and 2008 (with Orchestra Nuova Scarlatti of Naples) and in 2009 and 2010 (with Savaria Symphony Orchestra).

He studied Piano and Composition, received a degree in Philosophy, after which he specialised in Orchestral Conducting at the renowned Vienna Academy (Hochschule für Musik). Within a few years he has conducted the Virtuosi di Santa Cecilia, the Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra, the Orchestra Internazionale d’Italia, the Moldavian Radio-Television Orchestra (in Carlo Felice Opera House), the Symphony Radio Bucharest, the National Opera of Warsaw (La Traviata), the Krakow, Katowice and Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestras and at the Wratislavia Cantans Festival in Wroclaw. He recorded in Warsaw a CD (music by Bellini, Leoncavallo, Tosti, Bixio) with the tenor Ryszard Karczykowski and the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra. He was also guest Conductor at the Krakow Opera (Rigoletto, Un Ballo in Maschera, La Bohème). His new production of Rigoletto has been described by all the national press as one of the best musical performances in recent years.

He has also conducted concerts with a fusion of Classical and Jazz music (Miles in the Sky, for the 15th anniversary of the death of Miles Davis) and Classical and Rock (Concerto Grosso per i New Trolls, performed with Yaso Orchestra, now available on CD and DVD by BMA label).

Aurelio has worked with prestigious soloists such as Michele Campanella, Massimiliano Damerini, Paolo Restani, Filippo Gamba, Francesco Libetta, piano duo Paola Biondi – Debora Brunialti, Guy Touvron, Ciro Scarponi, Giovanni Angeleri, Edoardo Zosi, Anna Tifu, Luca Canonici, Francesca Patanè and Eugenij Nesterenko.
Some of his musical compositions were recorded on the CDs Open Dialogues for Emotional Melodies and Orchestral Movements (Edizioni musicali “Rai Trade”). Aurelio Canonici has composed for Italian television channel Rai 1 the soundtrack for the documentaries La Valigia con lo Spago (“The Roped Suitcase”) and Musulmani Europei (“European Muslims” – “Rai Trade” Publishers); in 2015 for the Film “Spaghetti Western in the Water” (broadcasted by Rai 2). In 2012 the CD entitled Al sorgere del Sole was released: this is a CD of contemporary sacred music orchestrated by Aurelio Canonici conducting the Budapest Mav Symphony Orchestra.

In 2009 Le Cáriti Editore (Florence) published Aurelio Canonici’s Book “Musica e Sofia – Problematiche filosofiche nell’opera di Richard Wagner” (Music and Sophia – Philosophical Issues in Richard Wagner’s opera). Recent is the publication of “Uno alla volta per carità” (Castelvecchi Editore, Rome, 2016), a book in which Aurelio Canonici analyzes the music of the Barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini.

Alongside his concert work, Aurelio Canonici teaches, holding the chair of Orchestral Practice at the Conservatory “Alfredo Casella” of L’Aquila.